Wisdom Teeth - FAQ
Do I really have to have my wisdom teeth removed?
Why do wisdom teeth have little space in our mouths?
Due to evolution and food changes (we eat a soft diet coming from "industrial" agriculture, low in vitamins and minerals), our upper and lower jaws do not have the ability to grow enough to provide enough space for wisdom teeth. As there is not enough space for their proper growth, wisdom teeth (our "eights") tend to come through at an angle or do not emerge completely, which causes problems not only for the surrounding teeth, but also for your overall health.
Third cheek teeth, or wisdom teeth, commonly damage adjacent teeth, called second cheek teeth. As they grow inclined in various ways or half-cut, plaque with millions of bacteria settles in the cavities between them, while these holes are practically untreatable. We know from traditional Chinese medicine that wisdom teeth lie on the main energy pathways which connect, among other things, important vital organs, heart and the nervous system, as well as kidneys and small intestine. Work and research of Reinhold Voll (a founder of the EAV technique) and his followers shows a direct connection between wisdom teeth and heart problems after the 5th decade of life.
You can learn more in the book by Dr. Thomasem Levym, a cardiologist, called Hidden Epidemic: Silent Oral Infections Cause Most Heart Attacks and Breast Cancers, published in 2017.
Therefore we, at DUO SMILE, recommend removing wisdom teeth before they become problematic, thus avoiding complications.
DUO SMILE tip: To supplement vitamin K2, which is key in the development of jaws, healthy bone development during growth, we recommend eating fermented foods, cheese and offal. Unfortunately, this alone is not enough because the supply of K2 to our body is despite this measure sporadic. We recommend adding SKELETIN, a dietary supplement, which, in addition to the group of vitamin K, also contains other vitamins and minerals that are essential for vitamin K to be applied in the body. Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, manganese and more.
What is a dental visit for wisdom teeth like, how long does it last?
What to expect during the procedure itself and how to prepare for it?
Removing wisdom teeth is an out-patient procedure, which means that you will go home after the treatment. It is performed under local anaesthesia, i.e. you are awake and you will feel some pressure but no pain during the procedure. Local anaesthesia is administered by injection near the tooth to be removed.
During the treatment you may "muffle up" in a blanket and we recommend using our "relaxing headset" which induce a condition when your body regeneration runs better thanks to its curing frequencies, and the pleasant calming music will "shield" the noise of the surgery and induce a relaxation state.
Due to the complexity, we order a half-hour to an hour appointment for wisdom teeth, but this does not mean that the procedure is being carried out for the whole time! At DUO SMILE, we believe that dental surgery should be entrusted to the hands of specialists who do this work on a daily basis, nothing can "surprise" them, so the procedure and healing are faster, safer and more effective. In DUO SMILE this is provided by MDDr. Jakub Bojko, who is an expert in his field. He exclusively specializes in surgery in dentistry, and in addition to the private practice, he works in the hospital, where he performs comprehensive jaw operations.
When it comes to preparing for the procedure, have a light meal before the procedure and clean your teeth and interdental spaces. In general, we recommend everything that strengthens your immune system 14 days before and 6 - 10 weeks after all procedures, but especially surgical ones - extractions and applying dental implants (including laughter and good mood). These include sleep for 8 hours, low-carb nutrition - reduce sugars, gluten, dairy products, increase the intake of vitamins and minerals. We recommend SKELETIN and FYTOMINERAL or King Kong which are virtually charged with the needed minerals and you can buy them at our clinic.
It is preferable to plan the treatment of wisdom teeth for a "calm" period of the year, i.e. with a certain delay after graduations, state examinations, weddings, trips abroad, etc. Our practice has proven that "peace" is very important for healing.
How long does convalescence last after removal of wisdom teeth?
Do I have to take time off work? And how to recover faster?
It usually takes for about one week. You may be fit in as little as two to four days, but this usually only applies to simple surgeries.
Removing wisdom teeth is an out-patient procedure, which means that you will go home after the treatment. After local anaesthesia, the recovery time is the shortest compared to other anaesthesia methods and you do not need to be accompanied on the way home. There is no restriction regarding driving a motor vehicle after local anaesthesia as after sedation.
Your recovery will be affected by the following factors:
- Your nutrition before and after the procedure;
- Quality and length of sleep
- Sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals
- Following post-operative instructions - the so-called dry bed prevention.
Many people prolong their recovery by several weeks by not following post-operative instructions - using a drinking straw, holding their head in a raised position even during sleep, or rinsing/gurgling fiercely.
In general, we recommend everything that strengthens your immune system 14 days before and 6 - 10 weeks after all procedures, but especially surgical ones - extractions and applying dental implants (including laughter and good mood). Sleep for 8 hours, low-carbohydrate diet - reduce sugars, gluten, dairy products, increase the intake of vitamins, mainly D, K, C, B-complex and minerals - calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc.
We recommend SKELETIN and FYTOMINERAL, bio-information food supplements made by Energy, which uses only natural resources to produce its products and combines the knowledge of Chinese medicine, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy and biopharmacy. Their food supplements are timeless in our opinion and that is why we not only use them a lot, but we provide their sale at DUO SMILE.
How do I know that everything is "OK" and when it is not "OK"?
How to prevent a dry bed and what exactly is it?
Mild pain, tenderness, swelling and slightly enlarged sub-mandibular nodes after the procedure for about 1 week are normal. Everything is described in the DUO SMILE instructions after the procedure which you received from us.
But what is not "normal" are difficulty swallowing or breathing, excessive bleeding, any tingling or loss of sensation, high fever, severe pain most often 2 - days after the procedure not responding to pain killers, a swelling increasing after 2 - 3 days, pus at place of extraction or around it - most of these are symptoms of dental bed inflammation.
If you notice the following symptoms, which may indicate a post-operative complication requiring attention, contact us.
Dry bed prevention - adherence to post-operative instructions. Many people prolong recovery by several weeks by not following post-operative instructions - do not smoke, do not drink with a straw, eat soft food, do not rinse the mouth on the 1st day!!!, cool the site with ice, gentle!!! rinsing with saline solution on the 2nd day after the procedure, holding the head in an elevated position during sleep (two pillows under your head), and no extreme physical exertion.
Sensitivity of the second cheek tooth to cold drinks or ice cream. Sometimes the teeth in front of the removed wisdom teeth may be cold sensitive. The parts of the tooth that were previously "close" to the wisdom teeth are suddenly exposed and need to get minerals into their structure. We recommend a toothpaste intended for sensitive teeth. We consider the pastes based on remineralizing hydroxyapatite, specifically the Japanese GC Tooth Mousse or the Latvian Innova to be efficient for enamel regeneration. We have them for you in DUO SMILE.